You Are U-G-L-Y

I just read on the following on about the building in which I work:

"Now City Hall, which opened in 1967, is getting some international attention: It tops the list of the "World's Top 10 Ugliest Buildings' and Monuments'' compiled by the"

Is it that bad? Really? Maybe I am just used to it. It's different looking that's for sure. But ugly? That's rather harsh. I'm curious as to what other's think, especially those that are seeing it here for the first time. What goes through your head when you see this picture?


Blondie said…
It reminds me of the backside of a penny! (upside down)

OK. I admit it. I cheated. I heard that from you a very long time ago. =)
It's pretty bad - it rates up there with our now State office building - used to be some kind of homage for the guy who owned the Money Store...
Looks like it should be in Cairo instead of Sacramento
DawgDyke said…
It's unique .. I wouldn't classify it as ugly.
John Gascot said…
It's kinda Space Invader-ish.

Maybe not U-glee.
But not pretty. LOL.
Anonymous said…
I bet it has a great personality.
Anonymous said…
It is pretty hideous. Not a sprig of green to be seen. And what is that huge sea of nothing in the front? Nothing to invite a human experience.
It has lots of windows, and cool how you can look through the bottom and see the sky on the opposite side. I don't think it is ugly, just unique. The (STILL) 1970s looking Super 8 motels should be listed as the top 10 ugliest buildings on the face of the earth, not your building!
Shrinky said…
Well, it ain't about to win any beauty pagents now, is it? Then again, they obviously haven't seen my house yet - they want ugly? Send 'em round!
Anonymous said…
Sorry. But it's ugly in that goverment-building-trying-to-be-unique sort of way. The EPA building here is quite similar.
SassyFemme said…
Truth be told I always thought it was a weird looking building.
Anonymous said…
I immediately thought of the Fine Arts Center at UMASS, Amherst which was also built quickly by poured exposed concrete in the 1960s. Gaps in the corners, leaky, breezy... cold - not in temperature but in feeling. Today this style is considered outdated and unattractive.
Anonymous said…
I used to walk past that building everyday. It is really, really ugly. You could dress it up with naked women and it would still be ugly I am afraid.
Velvet Ginger said…
Oh My!!! I read about this "ugliest building in the world" on yahoo & I thought of you...I was going to ask you if you see it during your commute??? I actually like strange buildings and don't find it ugly at all!!!
Anonymous said…
It reminds me of the bottom half of R2D2!
Anonymous said…
Is that a wreath hanging at the bottom there by the entrance? Gotta hand it to 'em for trying.

It kind of looks like a Lego structure. It's not ugly. It's special.
Shannon said…
It's not ugly to me. I have seen much worse!

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