My PC Got Me PO'd

I got some sort of virus the other day on my Windows laptop. Apparently there is this "go to google" Trojan that is making it's way across the internet. I'm pretty careful. I use anti-virus software and try to stay away from clicking on anything that looks suspicious. And I don't download a heck of a lot of stuff. I haven't been on any porno sites for months. (I'm just kidding - really - just wanted to see if you are paying attention).

When this sucker hosed my laptop, which now refuses to even boot up, I got a little frustrated. This incident, combined with the problems my new desktop PC had right out of the box, got me to thinking that maybe all those Mac users were onto something. So I went out and bought a new MacBook.

I still have a bit to learn. But so far I am really loving it. And I was able to get it going right out of the box which is nice for a change.

So all you Mac users out there - OC, ChewyJanet - any and all tips, tricks, and suggestions from you experienced Mac pros will always be welcome!


Landlady of Fat said…
I would love a MAC -- just can't afford them! :P
Mon said…
If you have any questions, just shoot me off an email. Happy Maccing!!!
Anonymous said…
TG bought me a new Mac book when my Dell had an untimely death...i LOVE it. Much of my work related programs are Windows based so I set up a small partition and run bootcamp

welcome away from the darkside!
Anonymous said…
Woo-Hoo! You've become a Mac User! The Apple Store at Holyoke Mall is great for any problems you may encounter. I have been using Macs at home and work ever since my Computer Science roommate in Grad School had the very first tiny floppy drive Macintosh.

I have had problems only twice. Once when a motherboard died after many years of use and the second time when my laptop battery died. That's it!

Does it have a built in camera? My iBook is at least 5 years old and I may soon need to upgrade but I hate to get rid of it because it still works just fine.

I have Microsoft Office for the MAC and can open clients' Windows versions of Microsoft docs, Powerpoint, Excel files no problem.
Hey Tina - I was buying lap tops every 2 - 3 years because they kept over-heating and slowing down. So I decided to take the plunge. I've been told a Mac will last a lot longer. And from the comments below, it looks like that could be true.

Thanks OC! I'm sure you will be hearing from me. Still trying to figure out all the little tricks. You may hear from me regarding opening Word docs with iWork. I was able to do it but lost the Word doc formatting.

Hey Kitty! Bootcamp huh? The guy at the Mac store mentioned that but I forgot what he said about it. Thanks for the link. I will check it out.

Hello Chewy! Wow, that's really encouraging. I'm really excited to check out all the features. I got it at the Holyoke Mall and the folks there were great. Yes, it does have a built in camera. I already did a nice video chat with a buddy in Vancouver. I didn't get MS Office yet - I did put iWork on it however.
ohh, so you've been to your porn sites more recent than a few months? :^) haha

i have used macs and pcs since i started teaching, but i keep a macbook at home...solid machine! hope you like yours as much as i do!
Anonymous said…
I just got a mac myself and love it!
Anonymous said…
iWorks must be something new. I am familiar the older AppleWorks.
Velvet Ginger said…
Bummer that happened to you! Ellie (ms creek) swears by her mac and wouldn't have anything else...I tried to use my bosses and its all so foreign to me! lol
You meant you haven't missed a day of porn - Trojans or not, right? That's what I thought.

Enjoy the mac - I administered a mac network for three years and I'm still a pc girl.
At least you didn't have to stop going to the porn sites.

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