The Loonies From Topeka

I don't even want to mention their [Westboro] names. I'm afraid they Google themselves on a regular basis and the last thing I want is them coming over here for a visit.

The loonies arrived [Baptist] at my place of employment this morning. It was a small group. I didn't see Fred or Shirley so I'm guessing this is the Massachusetts regiment of these lunatics.

This woman appeared to be the leader of the pack. It wasn't sunny [Church] out so I assume the glasses are to hide her hateful red eyes. C'mon - put down your pitchfork and entertain me. Make your head spin!

This poor dumb little bastard, hasn't got a chance. They did a good job of hiding his face and horns. All this kid is getting for Christmas is a tail.

This endearing little monster wore a jacket with anti-Semitic wording.

After about forty-five minutes, these numb nuts packed up their signs and headed off in a mini van to their cave. Good riddance.


Anonymous said…
Look they got some police protection so their van would be safe....this time.

LilliGirl said…
I can't even begin to understand
Taradharma said…
world is full of crazies. and they give birth and spawn a new generation of crazies.

I truly hate what these crazies do and say.
Ronia Nash said…
I know of these crazies from listening to Howard Stern. They protest fallen soldiers funerals. What were they protesting at your school CJ?
They were protesting the Jewish groups on campus Rizzo. It was a small group of numb nuts. I'm wondering if this group actually came all the way from Kansas or it there were from the area.

I debated as to post the pictures or not and whether or not to Photoshop out the signs. I left the wording untouched as I thought it was important to show how crazy and disgusting this group is.
Anonymous said…
As soon as I saw the title I knew who you were talking about. These "people" make me want to vomit.
Anonymous said…
BTW, those two little dogs are so cute I'm crying. Thanks.

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