The Loonies From Topeka
I don't even want to mention their [Westboro] names. I'm afraid they Google themselves on a regular basis and the last thing I want is them coming over here for a visit.
The loonies arrived [Baptist] at my place of employment this morning. It was a small group. I didn't see Fred or Shirley so I'm guessing this is the Massachusetts regiment of these lunatics.
The loonies arrived [Baptist] at my place of employment this morning. It was a small group. I didn't see Fred or Shirley so I'm guessing this is the Massachusetts regiment of these lunatics.
This woman appeared to be the leader of the pack. It wasn't sunny [Church] out so I assume the glasses are to hide her hateful red eyes. C'mon - put down your pitchfork and entertain me. Make your head spin!
This poor dumb little bastard, hasn't got a chance. They did a good job of hiding his face and horns. All this kid is getting for Christmas is a tail.
This endearing little monster wore a jacket with anti-Semitic wording.
After about forty-five minutes, these numb nuts packed up their signs and headed off in a mini van to their cave. Good riddance.
I truly hate what these crazies do and say.
I debated as to post the pictures or not and whether or not to Photoshop out the signs. I left the wording untouched as I thought it was important to show how crazy and disgusting this group is.