For Sale: One Pair Of Gently Used Dentures

Irene, my 89 year old mother, is convinced that she sold her teeth. I don't know if it is like buying a new car where you trade in your old set of wheels (or in this case molars) for a newer model but apparently the sales transaction happened recently at the nursing home in which Irene resides.

I have a few questions. 

Is there a lemon law? That is, if the choppers do not chew as described on the bill of sale or if the teeth literally have lemon stuck in them, can the buyer return them for a full refund?

Is there an extended warranty policy available? Or does the standard 3 years/36,000 meals guarantee apply?

Do you need to disclose if they have been involved in an accident or if the mouth has been somewhere it should not have been? (Please - I mean no disrespect and I'm sure this is NOT the case with Irene's teeth. But one should always check this out.)

I hope the purchaser took them out for a test snack, kicked the incisors, and got a good deal for their trade.

Anyone out there need a hammer toe? My mom can hook you up. Cheap.


8thday said…
I am a long time reader/lurker who has never commented before. Sorry. So I just wanted to thank you for a blog that has long given me a smile or laugh. I hope you continue giving us all your slightly askew view of the world.
Hi 8th Day! Thank you so much for your kind words. You made my day! And you have encouraged me to keep up the blogging. I appreciate the comment and the visits :)

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