Chia Head

Chia seeds. My latest health kick, along with aloe vera juice. Have you had aloe vera juice? Not the flavored aloe drinks but the actual juice? It tastes like a combination of b.o. and gasoline. Needless to say, I only managed to drink a few ounces of the stuff. Blondie has been holding her nose and gulping it down.

Back to the chia. It has lots of fiber, protein and omega 3 and it tastes pretty good. I throw it on oatmeal, yogurt, or add it to juice. The fun with the chia is that those black little seeds find places to hide out in your teeth for hours. After lunch, I go to the women's room for a smile check. Then a couple of hours later, while you are in a meeting, one little seed that has been hiding behind your 3rd molar decides to come front and center. Hit the bathroom before driving home and you realize you had a lovely black thing or two  stuck in your choppers for the last half hour while presenting your point to group of colleagues.

Now I understand why they make white chia seeds - to match your teeth.


Taradharma said…
Are chia seeds also known as flax seeds? I'm a lover of flax seeds and put them in oatmeal and in bread.

Taradharma said…
Are chia seeds also known as flax seeds? I'm a lover of flax seeds and put them in oatmeal and in bread.

I think they are two different things Tara. I found this article that outlines the pros and cons of both:
Laine said…
First of all, I completely admire your determination to eat more healthfully. Kudos!

Second, I know no one who drinks Aloe Vera juice straight. Blech. Put it in a smoothie or juice, along with your freshly pulverized wheat grass and coconut milk.

I agree with T. about the flax. Very nutritional and way full of fiber...of course, at OUR age, that takes on a whole new importance.

Now awaiting your announcement that you've gone Vegetarian! :D
35jupe said…
Oh I hate wheat grass soooo much. Hate.

(Hi Laine!)
Anonymous said…
So do those chia seeds make your head grow green grass hair if you water them?

Ronia Nash said…
I put chia in my breakfast smoothies!
They're suppose to keep you feeling full.
We have a bag in our house. I haven't figured out what to put them on yet.

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