In A Loaner Car With My Stiffy

We had snow a couple of days this past week. Instead of making the commute from Boston to western Mass, I stayed over Stiffy's house.

Stiffy's car was in the shop but she did have a loaner - a Subaru that had to have gotten quite a bit of use over the past 15 years or so.

We had to go meet Stiffy's ex to pick up some things that belonged to her boys. The ex works for the state. He helps with plowing and sanding. I got to spend some quality time with my girl Stiffy while waiting for the ex to arrive. And although the location says Faneuil Hall Marketplace, it is definitely not Faneuil Hall.


Laine said…
Wow. I thought I had an accent!
LilliGirl said…
Maaan, It won't play for me. :(
LilliGirl said…
Ah - I got it! And yes, that accent is quite impressive :)
I just love Stiffy's accent. She makes hanging out in a cah a wicked pissa!
CIW said…

I loover it.
Anonymous said…
I was counting how many times she said "cah", but lost count. LOL

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