How to Commute 154 Miles a Day Without Losing Your Mind

I get a lot of shocked looks when I tell people I commute from Western Mass to Boston, a drive of 77 miles each way. But honestly, it's not that bad. Take today for example. I got up at 4:00 AM, got ready, and hit the road by 5:08. A quick stop for gas and I'm off, commuting east on the Mass Pike into Government Center. I arrived at my desk by 6:45 AM and started work, eager and ready to face the day. I worked until 5:45 PM and then headed back to the parking garage where my commute home begins. I arrived home at 7:30, ate a little supper, and here I am. It's now 9:30 and I'm not really tired at all. I think tomorrow I will head over to the library, where I can pick up a dozen coconuts. Later I will cross the street so I will be ready for my new yellow shoes. If I do decide to ride Marsha Brady's unicycle over to the green brier banana patch, I will make sure I change the batteries in my umbrella. That way my vitamins will not expire before I have a chance to clean my pencils. And for those of you that know me well, you can be darn sure the cost of nails will not be a deterrent. Good night and have a pleasant rum twizzler.


Anonymous said…
Nope, the commute hasn't effected you at all.

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