The Dedication of Martini Cartwheels

My Mother, who was this inspiration for many of the posts on this blog, passed away peacefully on May 7, 2015. She was 90 years old.

Irene had a silly side and I would love to try to make her laugh. I can hear her voice in my head, clear as day, saying what she would often proclaim when I made a funny face or said something inappropriate. "You're a nut Cathy."

For all the inspiration, stories, and smiles you have provided me and those that have read the posts, this blog, in all its silliness, is dedicated to you Irene.


8thday said…
I am very sorry. The loss of a mother can leave a huge hole but it is obvious that her silliness and humor will live on through you.
Unknown said…
Will miss your stories about Irene. I feel I had just a smidge of insight into the wonderful world of your mom. She was quite a lady and always good for a laugh and smile. Hold that close to you every day my friend - your humor comes from your mom and dad for sure!!!
CIW said…
by condolences to you....

She seemed like a super funny woman who raised a witty woman.

CIW said…
My condolences to you

Your mom seemed hilarious and witty.... I am sure he will be missed..
Thank you for the nice comments. They are very much appreciated. xoxo

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