Perpetual Pain In The Pants

You know what I find really annoying? Radio ads that rely on alliteration to get your attention. Savory soups, perfect pasta, and fresh fish? Why suffering succotash! I'll just hop in my car and carefully cruise  to your ridiculous restaurant.

How about door busting deals dedicated to dads? That's fucking fantastic! I'll be sure to check out those  big ballsy buys.

Preferred pampering for my pooch and pussy (cat)? Have anything for a bevy of beautiful Bassets you annoying butt head?

A coupon good at Cathie's Cute Cuts and Curls? Why I would love to have my long locks liberated. But not necessarily until next November ninth.

Done now. And feeling much better.


Tara said…
I would seriously love to be an ad writer -- think of the hilarity! I'd sneak all kinds of word tricks in there....
Say that 10 times fats... er... fast.

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