Caution Tape At The Wet Spot

No, it's not a crime scene. That doesn't happen until June when the odds of public intoxication,  public nudity and disturbing the peace dramatically increase.

We had some work done on the pool gates. Can't have strangers attempting to get into The Wet Spot. We have enough trouble with the people we know and love (and this means you Stiffy and Min - try to keep your clothes on this season at least until July).

The Wet Spot will be opening on May 6th! Of course, it may be a little green at first but once it has a good cleaning, The Wet Spot will be ready for fun. Get your tanning butter ready!


Taradharma said…
I adore your posts on the Wet Spot. Keep 'em -- wait for it -- coming!
Thank you Tara! Now if we could just get you and Laine over to the great state of Massachusetts for some play time at The Wet Spot....

Loved your comment!
Taradharma said…
CJ - road trip for me and Laine!
I'll get that pitcher of martini ready Tara :)
LilliGirl said…
Would love to hit your wet spot - Ba Ha Ha Ha

Ours is *AlMoSt* clean and will open as soon as I can stand to get in it. :)
Love it Lilli! Once it warms up, I'll be you'll have no problem getting in there. Ok, make me stop :)

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