When Is A Bargin Not A Bargin? When It Bleeds.

So glad I bought the extra large jumbo bag of "Wholesale Warehouse Ladies' Razors". The three-blade pivoting head has done a great job cutting the shit out of my shins. You should get a box of  "Wholesale Warehouse Bandages" free with each purchase. All I can say is that it's a good thing there are no sharks in The Wet Spot. 


Marcie said…
Maybe next time you should shave your legs before a few beers!(lol!)
Laine said…
Pay now or pay later....Have you priced razor blades lately??? I thought I was doing good for the environment by purchasing a refillable razor, but when I went to buy the FIVE replacement blade pack, I had to run over to the Bank and take out an open end line of credit! Twenty bucks?! Really?!
Taradharma said…
ouch. but really, you've got some bones there. how could a razor resist?

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