Cheap Sunglasses

Here's a money saving tip. I'll preface this advice by telling you that I am tight as wallpaper.

If you wear glasses, it can be very costly to buy both regular glasses and sunglasses. So next time you are at the opthamologist, ask for a pair of those plastic sun blocker inserts. You know, the ones that look like this:

I use mine in the car all the time. You'll know if you ever forgot to remove the inserts by the looks you will get as you are walking down the street. I may look like I have an extra set of very bushy eyebrows but I don't care!  And neither will you when you realize the money you have just saved.


Tara said…
You must be the Queen of Frugality. Those things are so uncomfortable, I can't stand them! I solve the problem by getting progressive lenses, which darken outside. Duh.

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