A Hard Post To Write.

What's up with all the Cialis commercials? Apparently not as much as you might think. I never knew ED was such a huge (or should I say little) problem.

Ok, if you want me to pay attention to these commercials you need to entertain me. Maybe a new slogan. Something like this: Cialis - For when your winkie is a slinky and tiny like your pinkie. This could also work: Viagra - Point that hose away from your toes!

And how about something for us females? We need help every once in a while too. Take the locks off of that box or Don't pout - get the cobwebs out could really help to market a product geared toward the fairer sex.

I bet you wish I was still on a blog break don't ya?


McMeaty said…
Funny, we were just having a similar conversation. How about, "Cialis - For when Winkie no Worky.

How about, "Vagagra - think inside the box"?

Big Nipples!
I love it McMeaty! I was just thinking maybe I shouldn't have blogged last night after that second (third?) glass of wine and then I saw your comment. Thanks for making me chuckle at 6:00am!

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