Paper Strips. I Don't.
I want my bills to now be sent on cheese. That way when I shred them, I can at least at do something with the by-product. Put it on a sandwich, throw it on some pasta, toss it on top of some corn chips - all of which is better than trying to shove 20 pounds of paper into a trash bag meant to hold no more than 10 pounds. Great nachos CJ! Why thank you. That's my electric bill you are eating.
I shred everything. Cable bill? Shred that bad boy. Don't need anyone seeing what extras I rented (don't judge!). Phone bills? What if someone finds my itemized statement and starts crank calling my relatives? Shred it too! Retirement statements? No one has to know I need to work for another 70 years. Shred, shred, shred! Amazon receipts? Ohhhh no. None of your bees wax. Yes, I do need that self help book thank you very much.
Maybe it's time to take up paper mache. And turn that cable bill into a nice vase, a dog house, or a tiki bar.
Second, why haven't you considered going green w/ E-billing. If you aren't keeping the statements anyway, it would be a good fit.
Last, have a cold one and calm down.
(Hey, great Tee slogan!)
I was just saying today, really, that it seems the only thing that comes through the mail is advertisements and bills (though I've switched mostly to e-billing). The amount of paper is astonishing.
hey - my URL has changed:
same blog, just new URL to try and get my ex-wife to stop reading it! So I'm not announcing the change on the original blog. Just. Quietly. Moving. Over. This. Way.